News and Events for North Catasauqua Borough, Small Town USA.

Refuse, Riffraff, Compost Piles and Crows

We have received a number of complaints recently, such as:

  • trash and recycle cans left out at the curb all the time - not just put out for trash day

  • trash not put in trash cans with lids (sometimes not even in bags) - which leads to crows picking through and making a mess, trash blowing all over the neighborhood

  • compost piles with no coverings - which leads to crows picking out items and dropping in other yards

ATTACHED is an information sheet on how to help limit the crows from getting into your trash and/or compost piles. Please read and share.

In addition, we will be asking local code enforcement and operations to review specific issues as complaints are received. Please review Ordinance #441 in detail.

Some areas to specifically be aware of in the ordinance are:(summarized)


  • refuse - garbage, rubbish and riffraff

  • riffraff - all waste material other than garbage

  • Section 102 - 8: NO waste and recyclables may be set out more than 24 hours prior to pickup

  • Section 103 - all households shall provide individual containers with tightly fitting covers and all municipal waste shall be bagged

  • Section 104 - Nor shall municipal waste and recyclables be permitted to accumulate on any private property, but shall be disposed of through municipal collection as not to be a menace or nuisance to public health, sanitation, cleanliness or safety

  • Section 107 - Prohibited acts - is shall be unlawful for any person to allow any accumulation of refuse on any premises in the borough, any unauthorized accumulation of refuse on any premised is hereby declared to be a nuisance and is prohibited. Failure to remove unauthorized accumulations of refuse within 7 days of notification will be deemed a violation

  • Section 108 - Penalties - any person who violates, upon conviction can be sentenced to pay a fine of anywhere from $25 to $600, or subject to imprisonment. Each day that the violation exists constitutes a separate offense.

Our goal is to keep our town clean and sanitary. We are proud of North Catasauqua and hope you will help us continue to be a great place to live!


Council Meeting Monday 3/17/25 7pm


Council Meeting 3-17-2025 7pm

Hosted by Tasha Jandrisovits

Monday, March 17, 2025 6:45 PM | 3 hours | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Meeting number: 2551 691 6797

Password: 74BPyuB3Jm2 (74279823 when dialing from a phone or video system)

Agenda: Council Meeting. Agenda to follow in email.

Join by video system


You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone

+1-650-479-3208 United States Toll

Access code: 255 169 16797



****Update as of 2/28/25: we are still waiting for BerkOne to finish the reprint for us - we are hoping to mail by Monday 3/3/25. Discount period has been extended to 5/4/25.

Please be advised the tax bills that were mailed out last week were incorrectly printed with last year’s millage rate on them. Revised bills will be mailed and should be received by the end of next week. Please disregard the bill dated 2/1/2025 - and pay the amount listed on the REVISED BILL.

The tax rate for 2025 is 17.0 mills v.s. 16.5 mills in 2024.

The tax collector will update mortgage companies with the correct amounts due.

If you have paid already, you will be responsible to pay the difference. Payments can be made at the address on the bill or you can drop in the secure drop box at Boro Hall or bring in to the office. *Please note we are unable to provide a receipt at the Boro Office.

Any questions, please contact the Donna Schifko - tax collector at 610-266-1165 or the office at 610-264-1504.

We apologize for the mistake, and any confusion this causes and thank you for your understanding.


Assessment value: $60k (*this amount can be found on your current bill or on Northampton County property records site under assessed value. There is no average tax amount, as this is very specific based on your property)

2024 taxes at 16.5 mills for every $1k assessed value = $990.00 base rate 2024

2025 taxes at 17.0 mills for every $1k assessed value = $1020.00 base rate 2025

Hometown Heroes Banner Program

Please see ATTACHED application.

Cost is $225.00 - cash or check only.

Completed application and a 5x7 photo of the veteran should be submitted to the North Catasauqua Borough Office. They will be placed at random, no specific location can be requested.

The borough will not be responsible for replacement of banners due to weather, wear and tear, etc. Replacement banners will be at the cost of the sponsor.

Any questions, please reach out. And thank you in advance for recognizing and remembering our Hometown Heroes.

Rental and CO Inspection Processes

North Catasauqua requires rental and certificate of occupancy inspections to be conducted.

Rental properties are to be inspected every two years. Below are the important documents for this process:

Rental registration/application

Rental ordinance #435

Inspection checklist

Most Common Violations

2023 Fee Schedule

Certificate of Occupancy Inspections are required upon resale of a home. The seller is responsible to initiate this process by completing a CO Application and scheduling initial inspection. If a property has not passed the CO prior to the settlement date, the borough must be provided a copy of an agreement written into the settlement that states the buyer will be responsible for all re-inspection fees and the cost of the CO certificate. Important documents for the CO process below:

CO application

Inspection Checklist

Most Common Violations

2023 Fee Schedule

North Catasauqua and Catasauqua Fire Services Study 2023

Please review attached.

Endorsements were given by both councils of North Catasauqua and Catasauqua last evening and the decision was made to follow the recommendations of the final report which is attached above. This decision is a positive steps towards the continuation of reduced response times, continued cross training between the two departments, and the ability to provide above satisfactory levels of public service.

Questions can be addressed to either Fire Chief Roger Scheirer at or Fire Chief Rich Hertzog at

Thank you.